Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Russian Visa Dilemma

For the whole of our last day in Ulan Bator, we were fraught with worry about whether we'll be thrown off the train before we can get past the russian border. Cos we were supposed to cross the border just past midnight of 29 may. BUT that was based on mongolian time. There's a 4-hour time difference between ulan bator and Moscow. That makes it 6+pm, 28 May in Moscow when we're crossing the border. Our visas only allowed us into Russia on 29 May.

So we were both a bundle of nerves the entire train journey to the border. We didn't even unpack on the train, since we had a pretty high chance of getting ordered to leave.

When we got to the border, we realized that our phones reflected the time as 1+am 29 May. And the immigration officers gave us no grief about the dates of our visas.

Our conclusion, the time in that border town is actually 1 hour ahead of Mongolia and 5 hours ahead of Moscow.

Can't tell you how relieved we were.

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